What is NORMAL, anyway?

What is “the norm? ”

What is NORMAL, Anyway?  Sometimes beating to your own drum can be a good thing.

Normalcy, in theory is the way in which a collective group or society behaves, in a usual or typical fashion, as a whole, right?  So for person to be considered “normal” they must behave like everyone else.

Why the hell does it even matter?

What you consider to be normal doesn’t have to be, nor will it ever be normal for me!

What is NORMAL, Anyway?  It's OKAY to be different.

If you were to always base your actions on what your peers or family expects of you, then you are living a pretty stifled life.


Why?  Because you place too much value on what others think of you and what they want of you rather than focusing on what really matters:

●You must love yourself and accept yourself for who you are.
●You need to understand yourself before you can change anything, that is if anything really needs changing at all.
●Don’t be afraid to act for yourself.
●Express the you that is 100% you.

If we were all the same; if we were all NORMAL, then there wouldn’t be a word called “unique!”

What is NORMAL, anyway?  Autism: Accept Different

April 2nd is World Autism Awareness Day.

Information on Asperger Syndrome.

~ Posted by Lily

4 thoughts on “What is NORMAL, anyway?

  1. article is quite interesting and hopefully true happiness rays began to warm the hearts of us all, when we can share it with sincerity. Greetings from Gede Prama 🙂


  2. Pingback: What is NORMAL, anyway? (Continued…) | Lily: Reinvented

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